IGI-2 Multiplayer Networkconfig.cfg
// Some settings are commented in this file.
// Please see supplied text files in the main game directory for a more complete description
// If you have messed up this config file, delete it, and
// a new config file with default settings will be created.
// Any line in this file starting with a '/' is a comment and won't affect the configuration.
// The server name (if you run any)
lo svname("IGI2 Server"); - Between "" , write your server name you want to display in the Server list .
// Password needed to connect to your server (if any). Set to "" to disable
lo svpassword(""); - Between ''' , write the password with which a player should have , to join your server .
// Password needed to get super user rights. CHANGE THE DEFAULT!
lo rconpass("NOPASS"); - Between "" , write the password which can be entered in the console to become 2nd admin
// Your server will try to use this local port.
// Configure any firewalls et.c. accordingly.
lo svport 26001
// Only effective on servers with several IP addresses. See mp-commands.txt for help.
lo svinterface 0
// Your client will use this local port. Configure any firewalls et.c. accordingly.
lo clport 26015
lo maxplayers 16 - Write the maximum number of players allowed to play in the Server
lo specmode 1
lo teamdamage 0 - Keep it "1" to activate Team Damage and "0" to keep Team Damage switched off .
lo autobalance 0 - If you want your Server to have equal number of players in both teams, keep it "1"
lo warmup 0
lo public 1
// Below are the maps currently in your active map cycle.
// Enable a map with the command 'lo activatemap <mapID>'
// where <mapID> is the identifaction number for the map.
// Some maps and their IDs:
// 01 - Redstone
// 02 - Forestraid
// 03 - Sandstorm
// 04 - Timberland
// 05 - Chinese Temple
lo activatemap 3 - Write the ID number of the map you want to run . If you install new maps , you must know what is its ID .
lo moneystart 15000 - Money to be given to player in beginning .
lo moneycap 15000 - Max money a player can have .
lo moneykill 800 - Money , a player gets after killing an enemy .
lo moneyteamkill -4000 - Money to be deducted after killing friend player , please pit "-" before writing the number .
lo moneyplayerobjwin 1000 - Money to be given to the player who completes an objective .
lo moneyteamobjwin 2250 - Money to player given to each player in the team which completes an objective .
lo moneyteamobjlost 1250 - Money to be given to each player in the team which loses an objective .
lo moneymissionwin 1250 - Money to be given to each player of the team which wins a mission .
lo moneymissionlost 750 - money to be given to each player of the team which loses an objective
// Number of map rounds to be played before map change.
// Set to 0 to disable the round limit.
lo maprounds 0
// Time to play map before map change.
// Set to 0 to disable the timer.
lo maptime 0
// Change map when a team has this many points.
// Set to 0 to disable the score limit.
lo mapteamscore 3 - If a number is written here , then map will change after that much wins by a team .
lo objtime 15 - Maximum time a map should play
lo bombtime 90 - Time after the bomb will blast , (in seconds) .
lo spawncost 1000 - The money which will be deducted from a player after he is killed .
lo spawntimer 20 - The number here will be divided from spawncost and the result will be the time after a player can spawn cost free .
lo spawnsafetimer 10 - keep it zero .
lo allowsniperrifles 1
lo smooth 100 - keep it 100 .
lo bandwidth 400 - Write your maximum Internet Speed ; Bandwidth = Choke x Fillpercent KB/PS .
lo choke 12 - Choke = Bandwidth / Fillpercent .
lo fillpercent 60 - Keep it 1000
lo timeout 90
lo autokick 300
lo playername("SNIPER"); - Between "" , write your own name with which you will play in the multiplayer
lo bombrepostime 0 - If you write a number here, the bomb will be spawned in the 1st spawn area if it is not taken till that much time .
lo forcefirstspec 0
lo pingmax 400 - Maximum ping a player can have .
lo plossmax 150 - Maximum ploss a player can have in your server (plossmax = value / 10) .
lo idlemax 3000
lo goutmax 45