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IGI2-Grève secrète


Developer(s)  :  Innerloop Studios
Publisher(s)  :  Codemasters
Director(s)  :  Stein Pedersen
Designer(s)  :  Jolyon Leonard
Programmer(s)  :  Morten B. Ofstad
Artist(s)  :  Waqas Zia Chaudhry
                  Kjetil Nystuen
Writer(s)  :  Jolyon Leonard
                   Terje Johansen
Composer(s)  :  Kim M. Jensen
Platform(s)  :  Microsoft Windows
Release :PAL: 21 February 2003NA: 3 March 2003
Genre(s)  :  Tactical shooter
Mode(s)  :  Single player, Multiplayer

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-:IGI-2 Frappe secrète:-


             The game's protagonist, David Jones, an agent working for the Institute for Geotactical Intelligence and former British SAS operator, was sent to the Carpathian mountains to recover a set of prototype EMP chips stolen by a group of Russian mafia from a high-tech US facility. After HALO jumping and infiltrating a weather station, Jones retrieves a chip that was stolen. The researchers at IGI conclude after close examination that the chip that Jones found was actually an improved version of the chip. Then his mission director (Phillip White having replaced an injured Rebecca Anya) commands him to go to retrieve the remaining EMP chips so that the IGI researchers can launch a full scale research on the chips to determine their real usage for which the Russian mafia stole them for. He is the transported to a local Russian storage facility where a convoy carrying the chips is due to arrive. He is instructed to obtain C4 explosives from the facility and destroy the bridge on which the convoy would pass and retrieve the chips by intercepting the convoy. After successful completion of his objective, he is then transported to a Russian weapons production facility to get the remaining EMP chips and their blue prints on White's orders. After this incident, he is betrayed by his pilot, Robert Quest and mission director, Phillip White as they take the EMP chips obtained by Jones. Jones is forced to jump from the helicopter in which he was being carried by Quest and he eventually finds himself at the borders of Romania, where he is forced to evade the incoming border patrols while being ill-equipped.

             Meanwhile, his former pilot and mission director had escaped and have taken away the EMP chips along with their blue prints. The IGI was not able to detect their whereabouts after the incident, but spent enough efforts to get an important detail that Phillip White and Robert Quest took years to infiltrate the IGI and gain its trust and that White had made several weapons and military deals with Jach Priboi in Libya. Anya returns as Jones' mission director and he sets off to Libya under the orders of Senator Lenahan to search for the middle-aged Priboi, who had been locked up by the Libyan Intelligence as he was supplying weapons to the rebel forces, after David finds Priboi, he is captured by the Libyan intelligence commander Major Zaleb Said. The two are then transported to a heavily guarded Libyan prison. While they are being transported, Priboi asks him about his purpose of finding him, Jones responds by saying that he is after his former mission director Phillip White and that the IGI knows that White made weapon deals with him. Priboi then reveals that he made a lot of deals with White and sold him advanced equipment. His last order from Priboi was a high tech Russian ekranoplan which was waiting for delivery on a remote sea port in the gulf. The shipping papers were in a safe in Priboi's villa which was currently taken over by Major Zaleb Said and being used as his base of operations.

              After rescuing Priboi and escaping out of the prison, David decides to go to the villa to get the information. While going there, David blows the truck's engine in which they escaped. Priboi then told him that he needs to infiltrate the villa by disabling the security system and bypassing Major Said's guards. He also needs to take his hard disk which contains all the data for Priboi's transactions with White. Surprisingly, after expunging much effort and going through many of gunfights, Priboi discovers that Major Said had taken away his papers from the villa and he then vows angrily to take them back. He tells David to take control of his helicopter which is in his airbase not far away from the villa now controlled by Major Said. They get the helicopter without much conflict, and manage to gun Major Said down at one of his bases amidst the opposition to get the papers back. Upon returning to his villa, Priboi tells David that the trade he made with David's former mission director was on Port Bur Safaga in Egypt and that Robert Quest would be taking delivery of the plane in 3 days.

              David sets off to the port without hesitation, where he is instructed by Anya to find the Enkranoplan and a crate of stolen EMP chips. While searching the log books to find the Enkranoplan, David discovers that Robert Quest and Phillip White were actually cooperating with an unknown country to operate the chips. He is confronted by his former pilot in the process who orders his men to throw David in the water with the sewage. David ambushes Quest's men and kills him after a confrontation. He then takes the ekranoplan to venture off to unknown country which is later revealed to be the Spratly Islands near China, where according to Anya, suspicious activities are carried out throughout the time being. After a series of events, David finds his former mission director cooperating in secrecy with a Chinese general, whom he found out later to be General Wu Xing, who plans to use the chips to blindfold US intelligence and cripple the powers within.

             Later David finds his former mission director Phillip White killed by General Wu Xing himself, as the former accused the latter of killing his friend Robert Quest, who was actually killed by David at the Egyptian port. In Wu Xing's secret weapons lab, David Jones gets to know that the General was going to start a "World War III". He then engages in a gunfight with Wu Xing killing him.

             David tracks the entire plan location to a large and closely guarded rocket launch pad, where Anya asks him to disable the system immediately before the launch is made and causes an international incident. With efforts, David then succeeds in preventing the rocket from heading towards its programmed destination and to detonate somewhere safe. Finally, he prevents a major disaster from occurring, and the world is once again safe.


Le jeu est divisé en 19 missions. L'histoire est présentée en cinématiques, montrées avant et après chaque mission, avec des personnages animés rendus en temps réel et un discours préenregistré. Les missions ont des objectifs qui doivent être complétés avant la fin de la mission. Les approches directes ne sont pas encouragées, avec des mouvements furtifs et secrets donnant au joueur une meilleure note, un meilleur classement et de meilleures chances de survie, avec le classement le plus élevé possible intitulé "David Jones". Plusieurs chemins existent pour chaque mission, le plus évident et le plus intimidant étant une fusillade bruyante, car dans chaque mission, Jones est en infériorité numérique. Chaque mission présente une opportunité pour de grands groupes d'ennemis d'être contournés ou passés furtivement, sans être découverts. Certaines missions nécessitent même que des opérations entières soient effectuées sans être détectées. Au début d'une nouvelle partie, un niveau de difficulté peut être choisi, en modifiant le nombre de balles que Jones prend avant de mourir, l'intelligence de l'ennemi et de l'IA du groupe, et le nombre de sauvegardes disponibles.


Jones est équipé de crochets et de craquelins de sécurité lui permettant d'entrer de force dans n'importe quelle pièce ou coffre-fort verrouillé, permettant une entrée silencieuse et furtive dans des zones et des bâtiments restreints et l'obtention de secrets militaires ou d'informations privées et d'objets. Des explosifs CR-4 télécommandés sont également disponibles pour une utilisation sur certaines cibles au sol, ce qui signifie que de grandes structures peuvent être détruites en toute sécurité, à distance, laissant Jones non détecté. Des frappes aériennes peuvent être demandées sur certaines missions, en utilisant le désignateur laser pour localiser les cibles au sol pour le bombardement.

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